
Amber is







Discover the potential hidden in amber and see what it can surprise you with!

18°40′E, 54°21′N
A woman wearing a hat with a pacifier in her mouth.A woman in a yellow dress and a black hat.A room filled with lots of different types of items.A close up of a bunch of fruit on a table.A futuristic building surrounded by mountains and rocks.A large red building with a sky background.A gold pen sitting on top of a rock.A close up of a chess board with gold figurines.A boy and a little girl looking at a display of amber facts.A man in white gloves and white gloves is putting food into a bowl.

Amber. We all seem to know him. But are you sure? At AmberStories, we dust amber off stereotypes to uncover its potential. We explore its secrets. We show how it inspires creators. Immerse yourself in the world of amber with us and discover its hidden potential!

Contemporary about amber

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Bursztyn i talenty dziecięce to coś unikatowego: rozmowa z Katarzyną Michalską, założycielką Fundacji Wsparcia Rozwoju Społecznego JANTAR
Prowadzenie Fundacji to tylko jedna z licznych jej aktywności mających na celu integrację i edukację dzieci i młodzieży poprzez bursztyn.
AMBERIF DESIGN AWARD – Międzynarodowy Konkurs na Projekt Biżuterii z Bursztynem Bałtyckim
AMBERIF DESIGN AWARD to międzynarodowy konkurs, promujący bursztyn bałtycki jako materiał artystyczny, inspirując twórców z całego świata.
Zagraniczni artyści kochają bursztyn
Polski bursztyn trafia do rąk wielu znanych artystów.


Bursztynowe warsztaty wytchnieniowe


On the spot
Muzeum Bursztynu, Sala Edukacyjna, Wielkie Młyny 16, 80-849 Gdańsk

11. Międzynarodowy Konkurs na Ex Libris i Małą Formę Graficzną pt. „Bursztyn – złoto Morza Bałtyckiego”


On the spot
Sopoteka, Tadeusza Kościuszki 14, Sopot

„AMBER 2024 > Other Criteria” na Romanian Jewelry Week (ROJW)


On the spot
Biblioteka Narodowa Rumunii, Bulevardul Unirii 22, Bukareszt

Hidden Stories
into amber

A close up of a piece of food on a plate.

It all started a long, long time ago...

In the area that today covers the Baltic Sea. A dense coniferous forest once grew there - exactly about 40 million years ago. The resin that flowed from the trees fell into the water, where it underwent a series of physical and chemical processes, including polymerization. This is how Baltic amber was created.

A close up of a bug on a black background.

This story has other heroes...

Fragments of plants and small animals, including insects, that lived on Earth before man. The resin flowing from the trees “grabbed” the ancient organisms, enclosing them forever in amber. Today, such specimens are called inclusions in amber. Thanks to them, modern researchers have managed to establish more than 200 species of prehistoric plants!

A pile of different types of items on a table.

Amber fascinated our ancestors...

that is why it became desirable even before our era. Between the countries of the Mediterranean Sea and the areas of the Baltic Sea, including the area of today's Gdansk, a trade route called the Amber Route was established. Merchants first set out on this route for amber in the 5th century BC.

A close up of a bunch of jewelry on a table.

Over time, amber has become so valuable that...

for products from it you could get from several hundred to several thousand florins. This was at a time when the average annual rent in Gdańsk was several dozen florins. According to some, the famous 17th century amber maker, Christoph Maucher, got so much gold for his famous amber casket that he could buy an entire village for it!

A pair of earrings with pearls hanging from them.

Today, amber continues to inspire...

young designers, creating contemporary amber designs. Each of them combines the unique beauty of amber with modern design.

A close up of a piece of food on a plate.A close up of a bug on a black background.A pile of different types of items on a table.A close up of a bunch of jewelry on a table.A pair of earrings with pearls hanging from them.
A donut sitting on top of a pile of rocks near the ocean.

This story has other heroes...

Fragments of plants and small animals, including insects, that lived on Earth before man. The resin flowing from the trees “grabbed” the ancient organisms, enclosing them forever in amber. Today, such specimens are called inclusions in amber. Thanks to them, modern researchers have managed to establish more than 200 species of prehistoric plants!

A close up of a glass bowl filled with liquid.

Over time, amber has become so valuable that...

for products from it you could get from several hundred to several thousand florins. This was at a time when the average annual rent in Gdańsk was several dozen florins. According to some, the famous 17th century amber maker, Christoph Maucher, got so much gold for his famous amber casket that he could buy an entire village for it!